Magic of the Palenque Jungle Experience

May 26, 2021

I am going to lead a group on purpose quest experience in the jungle and sacred pyramids of Palenque Mexico June 15-21 (evening of the 15th and checking out after breakfast on 21st). The goal is to experience the magic and mysteries of the jungle and further connect with the soul and your life purpose. There will be 2 experienced Toltec co-guides for a small intimate group. We are provisionally full but I am open to taking 1-2 extra people on an ad-hoc basis if there is a good fit. I am expecting this to be a powerful experience and soul encounter given the experience of the guides and the location being around the Mayan peoples´ most powerful temple.

“Across time and in countless ways, people of many cultures have gone into the wilderness to mark life transitions and seek guidance. They sought closeness with God, the Mystery, or a higher self. They found a time alone, exposure to the elements in an unfamiliar place, a radical shift in self and world, a trial and a gift, and a ritual death and rebirth. The core of the form was clear: leaving the ordinary world, crossing a threshold, and returning with a gift and a task. It was an initiation, a rite of passage, a new birth in the womb of the natural world.”

School of Lost Borders

We are not announcing a schedule because the invite is to let go and surrender to the Mystery of the journey. This is not merely a series of activities set in the backdrop of Palenque, but a curated odyssey. And hopefully an encounter with soul. There will time on attention walks, poetry, tribal circle, journaling, meditating, walking through sacred places and time to just wander in places of great beauty to find that which is beautiful within. Things will also get a little mystical as we learn some ancient and timeless ways to communicate with trees, talk to the fire, and learn to receive counsel from death.

In my experience, guides can be good teachers but essentially we are catalysts; Nature or Great Mystery does the heavy lifting if you will allow it! We will not be using plant medicine as this is actually unnecessary , although medicine can be very powerful. This type of experience might be especially useful for someone who has just attended a ceremony.

“Nature — the outer nature we call “the wild” — has always been the essential element and the primary setting of the journey to soul. The soul, after all, is our inner wilderness, the intrapsychic terrain we know the least and that holds our individual mysteries. When we truly enter the outer wild — fully opened to its enigmatic and feral powers — the soul responds with its own cries and cravings. These passions might frighten us at first because they threaten to upset the carefully assembled applecart of our conventional lives. Perhaps this is why many people regard their souls in much the same way they view deserts, jungles, oceans, wild mountains, and dark forests — as dangerous and forbidding places.”

Bill Plotkin
The wonders of the Jungle

I will curate and co-guide the experience with experienced local guide – Mario Mayorga and Rocio Lopez Ruiz – trained and influenced by the Toltec ways. He has been living in Palanque for many years.

The cost for the trip of 15-21 June will be $1300 including transportation, food, accommodation and guidance. This is significantly discounted and we would appreciate any extra donations.


Benjamin J Butler – Guide, Futurist, Writer

Benjamin J Butler is an international futurist, writer and spiritual guide based out of Asia for 22 years but moved to Tulum, Mexico to finish writing a book. He is a trusted advisor, teacher and confidante of many visionaries and leaders building the New Earth. As a futurist he discerns patterns and occasionally delves in to the arcane world of prediction; he has spoken at the United Nations, World Economic Forum and other bodies in this role. Benjamin is most passionate, though, about supporting others on their odysseys into the unknown. He draws on 22 years experience of Zen and living in the East, where he learnt to read and write Japanese. Whilst he most certainly had past lives in Asia, his most direct ancestors were likely the Celtic shaman, known as the Druids, the most famous of whom was called Merlin.


Mario Gómez Mayorga

Mario Gómez Mayorga and Rocio Lopez Ruiz, creators and coordinators of Con Ciencia Indígena formed over three decades, initially sharing with close people, then friends of friends, who brought their friends, that told other people, a chain that never stopped.

​They work as a team with great passion for well being, human development  consciousness, and holistic health, supporting people in the marvelous adventure of self discovery, inner growth, and betterment, sharing through workshops indigenous procedures. Tools and techniques to explore the self. Ways to forge a healthy strong body as foundation for awareness in the quest for consciousness and freedom also known as the path with a heart.

When it’s over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms. When it’s over, I don’t want to wonder if I have made of my life something particular, and real. I don’t want to find myself sighing and frightened, or full of argument. I don’t want to end up simply having visited this world.

Mary Oliver
Overlooking Palenque