“Walk a colourful path”

Futurist, Vision Guide, and Writer , available globally

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Benjamin’s ability to see into the future extends far beyond the economy – he can see the future *you*, the real you, the unrealised potential hiding under all the layers”  — Sascha Y

If you have the opportunity to become a client of Benjamin, seize it with both hands. Its not often that you get to meet a real live Obi Wan Kenobi ” — Adam Lindemann, Founder of Mind Fund

“Your voice and wisdom is a lighthouse in this fog of uncertainty” — Harald Neidhardt, Founder of the European Institute of Exponential Technologies and Desirable Futures

I am excited to invite world-renowned futurist Benjamin J Butler into the Horasis team to further provoke new thinking about our long term future. Benjamin Butler has a unique vantage point having spent a career in investment and as a futurist, living between Asia and the West, foreseeing and observing the re-emergence of the Silk Road and the new technologies of the Spatial Web, AI, quantum and beyond.Frank-Jürgen Richter, Chairman of Horasis.

We are at an important evolutionary turning point in the history of our species. More than just a technological Singularity, we need a Cultural Renaissance; harnessing the power of the human imagination. I help leaders and change makers make that shift” — Benjamin J Butler

“Benjamin has helped me both in his capacity as a Coach and a Futurist to re-discover and rekindle my own light at a time when I thought that it had been almost extinguished. If you have the opportunity to become a client of Benjamin, seize it with both hands. Its not often that you get to meet a real live Obi Wan Kenobi [ A Jedi Master from Star Wars! ] ”

Adam Lindemann, CEO and Venture Capitalist, Mind Fund 

Benjamin’s last talk at the Asia Institute was called “Science Fiction 2030: Trends in technology, culture, society, economics and beyond”. It was a wide ranging and mind blowing talk. Few speakers can cross so many topics and disciplines , giving us a taste of what is ahead and how to prepare for it. The talk was deep, insightful and comprehensive covering almost everything you can think of!”
Professor Singh, Asia Institute

Professor Singh, Asia Institute 

“Benjamin is a calm, wise, sometimes unpredictable  sounding board. I would highly recommend Benjamin’s coaching to anyone looking to think differently, adapt their leadership or future-proof their business in these times of significant change.”

Abigail Croft, Managing Director, Consultant, Bridge

“I believe Benjamin J Butler has a special talent and he is meant to share this with the world. Through his speaking engagements and his authentic presentations, one will gain more insight about the future we face, purpose and inspiration. He is one of the most memorable people I’ve had the privilege to work with.”

Cecilia Yeung, Asia’s Top Speaking Coach

Benjamin is a rare ‘exponential human’ who has a systems view of the world – the trends in tech, society, culture and economy. He seems to be able to connect the dots and see the truth beyond the noise, where the world is heading. A true futurist

Dijana Galijasevic, Co-Founder, Being Exponentially Human

Longer Testimonials at the bottom of the “About” page https://www.benjaminjbutler.com/about/
